What are Ethnic Designs in Textile Jan 03, 2021

What are Ethnic Designs in Textile

The word ethnic is related to the cultural ties, traditions, and something also sacred to that specific land. Today we see the word ethic being connected to almost anything and everything. There is ethnic food, ethnic wear, ethnic themes, or ethnic music, etc.
Ethnic is the Design area of study you will investigate the influence of the cultural factors that influence contemporary design and analyze the influence of historical, cultural, and contemporary developments on textile design, not only in textile design in all fashion world related to culture.
Many different cultures allow to designers explore their different aspects of Indian textiles and complete an analysis of its influences on contemporary design.

Many ethnic patterns, designs become international styles. This process began hundreds of years earlier, during the periods of European colonialism. The process of cultural dissemination has perpetuated over the centuries as Western media corporations have penetrated markets throughout the world, spreading Western culture and styles.
It is saying that history repeats itself in today's scenario we can see peoples want their values and their culture and traditions back with themselves in today’s time. and they are excepting with curiosity in their dressing.

Here are some ethnic designs types:

Tie and dye
Bandhej is the form of tie and dye known in Rajasthan which is believed to have originated some 5000 years ago. Dyes used are of natural origin either from leaves of plants, bark, flowers, fruits, etc. Tie and dye are one ethnic design that finds their origin in the state of Rajasthan.

Lehariya has long lines in a variety of colors found all over the body of the sari or dress material. Turbans are also a good outcome. The lehariya clothes have their own names depending on the designs. Bandhanis are related to festivals, seasons, and rituals for which there are particular patterns and colors.
Lehariya is very popular as part of high-end Asian fashion because of its intricate work, a touch of tradition, and glamour appeal. The longer this process takes, the more stunning your outfit is! Lehriya fabric is so much in demand in the fashion world; the print goes well for all themes like retro, punk, and conventional.